Liebe Sudoku
wiedermal zum Thema Rotkohl (hab's immer noch nicht geschafft, das Rezept zu übersetzen, sorry):
Vegetarier lassen den Truthahn/das Huhn einfach weg, bei der Fischsauce wird's schon schwieriger - vielleicht WENIG Sesamöl?
Red Seasonal Salad (für ca. 8 Portionen) Adapted from Feast, by Nigella Lawson .
2 red chiles (often labeled Thai chiles), seeded and finely chopped (oder die süss-scharfe Thai-Chili-Sauce von Migros/Coop, dann auf Zucker/Essig verzichten)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbs superfine sugar
3 tsp rice vinegar (statt Zucker und Reisessig weissen Balsamico nehmen)
3 Tbs fresh lime juice (mehr, wenn kein Essig dabei ist)
4 Tbs fish sauce (riecht seltsam, schmeckst Du aber nicht raus)
3 Tbs vegetable oil, such as canola or grapeseed (oder Sonnenblumenöl)
1 red onion, peeled, halved, and very thinly sliced (Gemüsehobel!!!)
Freshly ground black pepper
((4 cups cold cooked turkey or chicken, shredded))
1 ½ lbs red cabbage, quartered, cored, and very thinly sliced (about 8 cups, sliced) (Gemüsehobel)
½ lb red radishes, thinly sliced into rounds (müssen nicht sein, schmecken aber gut)
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
In a very large bowl, whisk together the chiles, garlic, sugar, vinegar, lime juice, fish sauce, and oil. Add the red onion and a grind or two of black pepper, stir to immerse the onion slivers in liquid, and set aside to steep for 15 minutes. Add the shredded turkey or chicken, and leave to steep for another 15 minutes. Add the cabbage and radishes, and toss gently to coat with dressing. Add about half of the cilantro, and toss to mix. Serve, topping each portion with a bit of the remaining cilantro. Leftovers of this salad keep surprisingly well—though they do lose a bit of pep and crunch—for up to two days in the refrigerator, sealed in an airtight container. (Quelle:
Klingt nach übel viel Arbeit, ist es aber nicht, vor allem, wenn Du einen Gemüsehobel hast... Schmeckt super zu Raclette
